Event Description:
Come hear Yonatan Winetraub, co-founder of SpaceIL, an Israeli non-profit organization that is aiming to land an unmanned spacecraft on the Moon in February. If it does win the Google Lunar XPRIZE competition, Israel will be the 4th country to land on the moon. SpaceIL founders focus on inspiring children and promoting education, will use the potential prize money to ensure that Israel will continue to live up to its reputation for excellence in science, engineering, technology and math. The talk will reveal some of SpaceIL’s achievements, challenges, technology and will highlight lessons learned in starting a private space program. This event has been organized in partnership with the Addison Penzak JCC (Los Gatos JCC) and the Silicon Valley Space Center.
Yonatan Weintraub is currently a PhD candidate at Stanford in Biophysics studying a method to interpret and intercept cancer cell communication. In addition, he was part of the International Space University Program at NASA Ames studying how we can create Martian colonies utilizing shelter and water from Martian lava caves. He studied Electrical Engineering and Computational Neuroscience at Tel Aviv University focusing on how regions in the brain collaborate to create our emotions.
Light Dinner (Falafel) and Beverages provided
Event Details
Tuesday, October 30th
6:30 – 9:00 pm
Addison-Penzak JCC
14855 Oka Road
San Jose, CA
$10 in advance
$15 at the door
Student/Senior discounts available
Members always free
Event Co-Sponsors: