Date: Tuesday, December 11th
6:30 – 9:00 pm
Oshman Family JCC
Freidenrich Conference Center (4th Floor)
3921 Fabian Way
Palo Alto, CA
$20 in advance, $30 at the door
Student/Senior discounts available
Members always free

Event Description:
JHTC and JHTC 2.0 are delighted to host our annual Holiday Celebration!
This year’s celebration will include the following:
- Deliciously catered food
- Drinks (non-alcoholic and alcoholic)
- Latkes
- Sufganiyot (traditional jelly doughnuts)
- Special musical entertainment
- Menorah lighting (bring your family’s menorah to join in!)
- Dreidel spinning
- A sufganiot eating contest (winner gets a prize!)
- Raffle with 3 prizes!
We can’t wait to see you all there!
Event Details
Tuesday, December 11th
6:30 – 9:30 pm
Palo Alto JCC, 4th floor
3921 Fabian Way
Palo Alto, CA
$20 in advance
$30 at the door
Student/Senior discounts available
Members always free