Event Description: Daniel Kraft is a Stanford and Harvard trained physician-scientist, inventor, entrepreneur and innovator. Dr. Kraft has over 20 years of experience in clinical practice, biomedical research and healthcare innovation. Daniel chairs the Medicine track for Singularity University and is Executive Director for FutureMed, a program which explores convergent, exponentially developing technologies and their potential in biomedicine and …
Thanksgivukkah Feast & Casino Night
Event Description: • Casino Games • Catered food • Open Bar • Music • Prizes This year, Thanksgiving and Hanukkah will overlap, producing an anomalistic hybrid holiday that’s come to be known as Thanksgivukkah. There are conflicting reports about whether it’s happened before and when it will happen again, but most mathematicians and calendar experts …
Where Do Design and Technology Meet?
Does form drive function? Does technology drive design innovation or does design drive technical innovation? Where do you find the balance between clear brand vision and responsive, iterative agile development?
Why can’t they be on time? How Culture Shapes Business Practice
Lanie Denslow of World Wise Intercultural Training & Resources will share her insights on how different cultural backgrounds shape attitudes toward time, tasks and talking. Expand your understanding of how culture impacts business.
Mind Sharing with Lior Zoref in partnership with IEFF
Event Description: On August 12, 2013 we will have the pleasure of hosting one of the smartest, most entertaining and inspiring talks we have had to date. Mind Sharing - How to upgrade your life with the power of social media and crowd wisdom: What is the value your Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter friends? Can they …
Mind Sharing with Lior Zoref in partnership with IEFF Read More »
Opinion Space: Robots, Gardens, and Social Media
Event Description: Amazingly, the process of brainstorming hasn't really changed since the term was coined in 1953. Yet everything else has: we're facing enormous problems in economics, politics, healthcare, and the environment. Can Social Media tools be adapted to help us work together to discover solutions? My students and I have been working on a new approach to online brainstorming …
Opinion Space: Robots, Gardens, and Social Media Read More »
The Secrets to an Effective Presentation
Event Description: These days, just having a good idea is not enough to succeed. In a world where a constant stream of messages compete for attention, you need to be able to communicate your ideas effectively. Whether it's a simple "elevator pitch" or a presentation to investors, co-workers, or potential partners, you will need to engage …
Cyber Security: Threats, Drivers, Challenges & Opportunities
Event Description: We're all at least a little familiar with computer security, perhaps just from installing an anti-virus application on our home PC. Or maybe you've been one of the many unlucky people that has received a notification from one institution or another, letting you know that your personal information was stolen... (who hasn't at …
Cyber Security: Threats, Drivers, Challenges & Opportunities Read More »
Israeli Moon Mission
Event Description: In conjunction with Silicon Valley Space Center: meet the team who will land the first Israeli spacecraft on the moon. Answering the call of the Google Lunar X Prize, a group of outstanding young Israelis - engineers and space experts - have come together to leverage Israel's experience and knowledge in the field of miniaturized …