JHTC & RWiT FoodTech & AgTech Panel Discussion Join JHTC and RWiT for a panel discussion on Jan 12th @ 7pm via Zoom with breakthrough Food Tech and AgTech startups focusing on sustainability, resource preservation and innovation.Our event will be moderated by Eran Sandhaus, Managing Partner of J-Impact, focusing on investments in FoodTech, HealthTech, ClimateTech and SocialTech.Eran has over 25 years …
JHTC & JYA 2021 Virtual Hanukkah Celebration
Join JHTC & JYA in lighting the 3rd Hanukkah candle via Zoom! We are delighted to host our annual Hanukkah Celebration... • Candle Lighting • Trivia game with Prizes • Socializing in break out rooms • Music by classical violinist Hannah Tarley Event Details Tuesday, November 30th 7:00 - 8:30 pm Pre-Registration …
JHTC and RWiT Present: Cybersecurity: What Now, What Next?
Major cyberattacks seem to be daily headline news. Everything from multimillion dollar ransoms demanded for the release of public and private infrastructure to the theft and use of the personal details of pretty much everyone on earth. Should we be alarmed? How can we best protect ourselves and our companies? How do we know if …
JHTC and RWiT Present: Cybersecurity: What Now, What Next? Read More »
JHTC & JYA Zoom Speed Networking 2021
. Join JHTC & JYA for our Annual Speed Networking event. . Networking can be one of the most powerful and productive activities an individual can do to launch and manage their career. Building an interconnected group of relationships with others is at the core of a person’s effectiveness both personally and professionally. To be …
Brain Hacking & Mind Tech with Captain Hoff
What are the latest brain-reading technologies and how they will transform our lives and the world? Discover the promise and perils of a future where our brains are directly connected to the Internet. The next generation of brain-computer interfaces (BCI), EEG devices, and brain chips are poised to change the way we think, communicate, and …
Professional Development Series of Workshops (PDS)
These 2021 workshops will help you think more deeply about your career and build your confidence. You will begin to realize that you can take steps to have more control over things like improving your effectiveness with others in the workplace, learning leadership skills enabling you to convince others that your ideas are sound and …
Professional Development Series of Workshops (PDS) Read More »
JHTC & JYA 2020 Hanukkah Celebration
Join JHTC & JYA in lighting the 6th Hanukkah candle via Zoom! We are delighted to host our annual Hanukkah Celebration... a bit different this year! • Candle Lighting • Comedian, Jeff Applebaum, to entertain us • Trivia game with Prizes • Socializing in break out rooms • 'Live' music Event Details …
JHTC & JYA Zoom Speed Networking 2020
. Join JHTC & JYA November 10th for our Annual Speed Networking event. . Our Speed Networking event will be a bit different this year, but just as beneficial! . Networking can be one of the most powerful and productive activities an individual can do to launch and manage their career. Building an interconnected group …
The Future of Clean Tech
Did you know that energy analysts and regulators formally refer to the shape of California’s electricity demand as resembling the shape of a duck? California’s renewable concentration on any given day reaches upwards of 80%. With a 100% renewable goal by 2045, California’s utility grid is rapidly evolving. This significant increase in renewable energy effects …
Untold Stories of Silicon Valley with Chris MacAskill
Chris MacAskill, successful entrepreneur and colleague of Steve Jobs . Join Chris MacAskill as the master storyteller, visionary, adventurist, fitness enthusiast, successful entrepreneur, athlete, photographer and silicon valley legend takes us for a journey through the history of Silicon Valley by way of his own personal colorful and legendary stories and anecdotes with such tech …
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Career Curves, not Career Paths
Many people early in their careers can be heard asking, “What’s my career path?” While this is a common question, it is the wrong question to ask. It implies a clearly defined route with pre-determined steps often moving in a straight line. Our fast-moving, ever-changing world is too unstable and unpredictable for career paths to …
Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything
The world’s leading expert on habit formation shows how you can have a happier, healthier life: by starting small. Based on his New York Bestselling book "Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything," Dr. BJ Fogg will present his landmark Tiny Habits method that has helped thousands of people build their ideal lives. Tiny Habits—created by Dr. BJ …
Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything Read More »
The Future of Accessibility
. Three researchers from The Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute describe emerging tools and technologies that allow people with visual impairments to better explore, interact with and move in their environment. The first such approach is echolocation, in which a person infers the overall structure of their surroundings from the way sounds reflect off objects in …
Mental Fitness: The X-Factor in Performance & Happiness
How to grow the 3 mental muscles to thrive in challenging times If you’re physically fit, you can climb steep hills without physical stress. If you’re mentally fit, you can handle life’s great challenges without mental stress or other negative emotions like frustration, disappointment, regret, and self-doubt. You’ll be happier and perform better. Stanford …
Mental Fitness: The X-Factor in Performance & Happiness Read More »
Sold Out – Creating New Senses for Humans
What would the world be like if we could expand our senses beyond the capacities that we come to the table with? To explore this possibility, we feed sensory signals into the brain through atypical sensory pathways. For example, we can address the limitations of deafness by turning auditory information into a series of vibrating …
Sold Out – JHTC & JYA Annual Hanukkah Celebration
Join us for a night of conversation, music, dancing...and delicious Hanukkah food and drink! Pics from event: http://slickpic.us/2191579GMNY JHTC and JYA are delighted to host our annual Hanukkah Celebration! • Deliciously catered food by On the Roll Catering • Wine by Georgos Wine • Music by Baymele Klezmer • Photo Booth • Dreidel games • Raffle …
Sold Out – JHTC & JYA Annual Hanukkah Celebration Read More »
Medical Innovation Panel
The healthcare industry is rapidly changing due to a plethora of technological innovations. Come and hear from our panel of industry leaders how a once slow moving space is transitioning into one of the fastest growing and evolving of any out there. Our expert panel will walk you through the medical landscape and its evolution …
Mentorship Program Registration
Now accepting submissions for the 2020 Program The JHTC Board of Directors is proud to continue to host and support the JHTC Mentorship Program, which is entering its fourth year. This program focuses on building relationships between a mentor (someone with wisdom to share and an interest in providing guidance) and a mentee (someone who is actively …
Speed Networking 2019
Networking can be one of the most powerful and productive activities an individual can do to launch and manage their career. Building an interconnected group of relationships with others is at the core of a person’s effectiveness both personally and professionally. To be effective at your job, manage your career, and find new opportunities, it’s …
Ace the Interview
Session Description: It was probably difficult to land that job interview, and you don't want to screw it up! If you can’t interview effectively, your knowledge and work experience will go unnoticed. A less qualified candidate may get the job because of better interviewing skills. In this seminar, Career expert Mauri Schwartz will provide the …